Help turn a Neil Gaiman poem into a rad T-shirt for charity
I've linked before to the series of Comics-On Tees that the T-shirt site Threadless has created, featuring stories and artwork by everyone from Brian Azzarello to Jhonen Vasquez. In fact, a new round of them debuted this weekend at C2E2.
Their next round of shirts will debut at the San Diego Comic Con, and this time they've gone to Sandman writer Neil Gaiman to provide the story ' or in this case, a poem. They plan to adapt his awesome poem 'The Day The Saucers Came' onto four shirts, featuring artwork by John Cassaday, Ben Templesmith, Brandon Graham and ' well, maybe you. Threadless is holding an open contest for submissions based on the first two lines of the poem, the ones about aliens and zombies. I've embedded a dramatic reading of the poem with some familiar artwork after the jump; you can also read it on the Neverwear site, where they were selling a pretty awesome print by artist Jouni Koponen that I'd tell you to buy, but it has sold out.
The designer of the winning shirt will receive $750 cash, a $250 Threadless gift certificate, a 2012 CBLDF Protector Membership, a signed and numbered Paul Pope screened print, a print featuring 'The Day the Saucers Came' script (presumably the one I linked to above) and four issues of Chew signed by John Layman. A quarter of the T-shirt sales will go to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
'We couldn't be happier to partner with Threadless on this project,' said CBLDF Deputy Director Alex Cox in a press release. 'Between Neil Gaiman and the artists involved, you couldn't ask for a more talented group. It's going to produce some amazing shirts, and we can't wait to see the designs that are submitted over the next several weeks. This is going to be a great fundraiser, and an awesome way to see fans and supporters show off their creative chops!'
If you think you've got the chops, you can find more information on the CBLDF site or on Threadless.
Neil Gaiman ' The Day the Saucers Came from Matt McGee on Vimeo.
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