I don't mind it if comics reflect reality. But I do mind it when the propaganda becomes more important than the story.
But really, some of these changes and innuendo are just for propaganda and shock-vaiue.
I prefer it if THE STORY and the CHARACTER comes first over the preaching.
Whether it's sexual orientation, sexual acts, drugs, violence, politics, I don't mind it if it's relevant to the story. In fact,
For example: I'm straight and I thought the issue where Pied Piper (Flash villain/supporting cast) came out of the closet was brilliant. It was in line with character development, and it was an awesome story!
Or when Obsidian (Alan Scott's SON) turned out to be in a gay relationship. It was handled as naturally as a straight person was in a straight relationship.
I thought the lesbian life of Renee Montoya was natural to the story (Not so much Montoya becoming the Question, though.)
I thought Alan Moore's Top 10 Forty Niners handled it well (won't go into detail. Spoiler danger.)
This latest batch reeks of pandering and posturing. All Gimmick and no substance.
For example, when Archie came up with a gay character, I thought that was cool. But when he was married to a military guy shortly thereafter, I thought'nothing against the act but now the character is becoming Archie's soapbox icon. What a waste. If they held off a few years and let the character actually DEVELOP into the relationship.
In Marvel's case. Really? Northstar? Nothing against it either but in reality, none of those guys would even attend the wedding because he's NORTHSTAR. Maybe Alpha Flight would attend. But the X-Men? I think they even have the entire Marvel U attending. I bet half of those guys never even MET Northstar. At best they'd RSVP or send a gift, or slip by the reception. To put it bluntly, if Northstar's sister got married to an ALIEN, none of them would even RSVP! They'd be too busy.
Heck, even Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch's implied incestuous relationship in ULTIMATES was natural to the story, as creepy as THAT was. It wasn't for shock value, but it actually made sense the way the two had been developed over the series.
I have nothing against ALL these in philosophy, but geez, can we get back to good stories OVER propaganda? You guys have done it before. Lots of times.
But now that the press is hot on the issue, it's like they're all just clamoring for the spotlight. Seems like they're being written for the media and not to progress the stories.
(Heck, half the radical changes in NEW 52 are propaganda or shock driven. The other half are story and character driven. Guess which ones are better reads?)
So ok, let's get over this and move back to GREAT STORIES. Whether the characters are gay or not, married or otherwise, shouldn't matter more than if they were in straight relationships.
I'll give Alan Scott the benefit of the doubt because James Robinson has written some awesome JSA stories, And if they eventually introduce Obsidian and Jade as his biological children, that would be AWESOME character twist. Who is the mother and how would his life partner react to it? Etc.
But story and character first guys. Gimmicks second.
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