Quote of the day | 'As a person with eyes, I am a little offended'
This is a drawing that someone drew and was like, 'Yeah! That's a good enough drawing!'
Man, I don't even care if that drawing is official or whatever, I can't believe someone drew it and thought it was okay to show people. People can see that drawing! PEOPLE WITH EYES. Why do I even fight so hard to make my art look good when someone else drew that. As a person with eyes, I am a little offended.
' Faith Erin Hicks, not losing her funny while expressing offense about Guillem March's cover to Catwoman #0.
Kate Beaton had some funny things to say about it too, including 'boobaloobs buttybutt,' 'boobily-oobilies,' and this:
What I love about these responses (and others) is that they're choosing to mock the piece rather than be outraged by it. Not that outrage wouldn't be a legitimate response, but seeing the humor in the situation seems to indicate a shift in power and that's beautiful. Not so long ago, people who hate the cover would have few alternatives to pulling out their hair in helpless frustration. Now, the response is to point confidently and laugh. That's pretty huge.
Since when is mockery a new discovery? People have been doing it for centuries.
I've been saying for a while now that we are back in the 90's again as far as comics go. But I realize now that the 90's were much better. Now we have re-hashes, re-boots, nothing original, and an endless wave of publicity stunts and cash grab hype comics. Yes, the 90's were quite a bit more innovative and original than the comics we have now ' they were at least trying new things and taking chances, even if it was often cheezy and full of overt 'tude
yeah, and this is why I can't wait for Rafa Sandoval on the title. I'm no tit apologist (god knows I don't give a **** about unzipped cleavage in my comics), but this is grotesque.
Brokeback issues aside, has anybody noticed her gloves? Those long pointy, lethal-looking claws coming out of the end of her fingers? If you notice her whip-holding hand, she has the claws like that on all of her fingers on that hand. Now look at the hand reaching out at us; her pinky and ringfinger on that hand must be stabbing herself in the palm of the hand! Probably through tendons and bone. How does she accomplish anything with gloves like that?
Statistically speaking she's still over 90% clothed.
I have a genuine question. In art school do they teach human anatomy? I ask this because I often see comic art with absurd poses for women, but also for men (usually in fight scenes).
I'm not an expert, but I wince when I see art like this because it violates my instinctive knowledge of how my body works. Also, if this cover is an attempt at titillation, then it has failed to achieve the desired response in me.
look at the ears, then look at the face. alone, each of them is perfectly fine, but together, the angles are not right. it looks like a composite of many different parts of the body from different angles (and not in a good 'cubist' way). I don't want to bash this guy, he's got good line-work, he just needs to work on anatomy and putting things together.
'broke-backing' is a whole other issue..
There's some great rendering in the coloring there. Also many of the people doing this mocking seem far less talented as artists than March.
'Kate Beaton had some funny things to say about it too, including 'boobaloobs buttybutt'
At this point it seems clear that you 'media' folks are going to compliment everything a certain subset of the webcomics world says/draws/writes. That wasn't at all funny. As for the fallout, one of the comments on March's blog post:
'AnĂ³nimo dijo'
In a time when most college graduates are struggling to eat, you get to live the dream of so many. Thank you for using that dream to make the worst (and kinda sexist) looking Cat Woman in history. I'd wish you were dead except that losing your job would be more painful. I hope DC realizes that too.
13 junio, 2012 03:09'
'look at the ears, then look at the face. alone, each of them is perfectly fine, but together, the angles are not right. it looks like a composite of many different parts of the body from different angles'
The main issue here is that the lower part of the body, which should have been very small based on the foreshortening of the upper body and the extreme angle, is oddly large. That throws the pic off, but there's some good stuff in it.
@Steve Broome: That AnĂ³nimo dijo guy has issues that run a lot deeper than funnybooks.
Come on, Liefeld does worse than this every day of the week. I'm sure March will at least try to change his ways now that he's experienced the horror of internet 'fallout'.
@Steve Broome
Agreed, while the pose is absurd, March is still a far better artist than either of these two. In fact, he's so much better than Beaton that it feels unfair to even compare them.
Then again, this is CBR. Indie cartoonists and their work are sacrosanct.
I love the people retaliating against the likes of Kate Beaton because she has something to say about the work of another artist. Say what you want about her, but she at least has a consistent style that suits what she does. March just went completely overboard and ridiculous here ' I don't see how the guy who did that at least kinda-sorta appealing cover from Catwoman #1 or further back, some of the more interesting work in Azrael, managed to put this together, it's ridiculous. March is a good artist. But this just proves he could be FAR better.
As long as Marvel and DC continue to give work to artists who (obviously as this image demonstrates) can't draw or visually tell a story, we'll continue to get lousy work like this.
I don't see what the problem is. Might be the artist took some liberties on the anatomy but know what? That's a good thing. It's perfectly fine to abstract and bend the rules. If everyone wants traced photos for the sake of perfect proportions and symetry and anatomy I see little reason to bother with drawing a comic
To me, the image might not be anatomically perfect but it still looks appealing and is much better than what I can draw'also think the coloring is nice and love the eyes. I agree with the comment above, I don't think comic anatomy should always need to be perfect/completely accurate. I really don't see anything wrong with exaggerating things to look more sexy (or more muscled/etc in male character's cases).
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