Comics A.M. | New York Comic Con absorbs New York Anime Festival
Conventions | ReedPOP has officially announced it will fold the New York Anime Festival into New York Comic Con, rather than continue them as separate events held at the same location. 'This move has nothing to do with our loyalty or commitment to the anime community and everything to do with the growth and identity of New York Comic Con as a leading pop culture event,' ReedPOP's Lance Fensterman said in a statement. 'NYCC embraces all elements of the pop culture world, including anime, and we have evolved to a point where the existence of NYAF outside our universe is almost a contradiction. We will be better able to serve the anime community from within the NYCC infra-structure rather than have a show which is separate and which will always be dwarfed by everything that New York Comic Con represents and is.' [press release]
Passings | Cartoonist Jim Unger, whose one-panel comic Herman served as an inspiration for Gary Larson's The Far Side, passed away Monday at his home in British Columbia. He was 75. The comic appeared in about 600 newspapers worldwide from 1974 until Unger's retirement in 1992. [The Daily Cartoonist]
Publishing | Image Comics Publisher Eric Stephenson looks at the latest order numbers for the four Robert Kirkman-produced titles ' The Walking Dead, Thief of Thieves, Super Dinosaur and Invincible ' noting that the two without AMC television series in their pedigree are selling fewer copies: 'There are way worse problems to have, obviously, and I'm not complaining, but it is a little disconcerting that the dividing line between The Walking Dead and Thief of Thieves and Invincible and Super Dinosaur is the attention the former two titles have received from Hollywood. Is that a good thing for those books? Absolutely. But it's a bad thing for comics as a whole, when we sit back and let mainstream popularity guide how we as industry order and sell comics and how we as a community buy and collect comics. In essence, we wait for someone outside comics to tell us something is worthwhile before accepting it ourselves. And that's just plain backwards.' [It Sparkles!]
Creators | Robot 6 contributor Chris Mautner interviews Eddie Campbell about his new book on money, The Lovely Horrible Stuff. [The Comics Journal]
Creators | Daniel Clowes talks about revisiting his work and looks back on his career so far in preparation for the retrospective show at the Oakland Museum and Alvin Buenaventura's monograph The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist. [AV Club]
Creators | Zak Sally feels that Marvel should give credit to Jack Kirby for the large part he had in creating the Avengers, and the best way to do this would be to fully fund a Jack Kirby museum. []
Creators | MAD Magazine artist Tom Richmond and Washington Post cartoonist Nick Galifianakis talk about winning Reuben Awards last weekend. [Comic Riffs]
Creators | Tom Batiuk, the 65-year-old creator of Funky Winkerbean, talks about aging and changing along with the characters of the 40-year-old comic strip. [The Associated Press]
Conventions | NBC 10 Philadelphia previews Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con, which kicks off Thursday at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. [NBC Philadelphia]
Conventions | The Projects, 'a festival of experimental comics and narrative arts,' is coming to Portland, Oregon, in October. [Portland Mercury]
Comics | Steve Bennett turns back the clock to the days of tubby schoolboy Billy Bunter, whose misadventures at Greyfriars School entertained generations of British readers. [Super I.T.C.H.]
Comics | Sean Kleefeld attended the three-day 'Comics: Philosophy & Practice' conference at the University of Chicago a few weeks ago, and he noticed what wasn't there: Webcomics. This may have been because the creators present, while a stellar bunch, didn't have much experience with webcomics and indeed, seemed to shy away from computers for their work as well: 'While there seemed to be a consensus that the computer was a tool, in some respects not unlike a brush or pencil, Ivan Brunetti seemed to get to the crux of their concern, stating that the ability to undo anything tended to get in the way of experimenting with your art and being able to take advantage of mistakes.' [MTV Geek]
Comics | David Uzumeri annotates the first issue of the relaunched Batman Incorporated. [ComicsAlliance]
Comics | Brian Cronin counts down the 10 weirdest gadgets in superhero comics. Does Iron Man's armor still have skates, I wonder? [Gizmodo]
Fandom | Michael Dooley talks to John Benson, the editor of Squa Tront, a fanzine that concerns itself entirely with EC comics from the 1950s. [Imprint]
- May 30, 2012 @ 06:55 AM by Brigid Alverson and JK Parkin
- Tagged: batman incorporated, Billy Bunter, Brian Cronin, British comics, cartoonists, comic conventions, comic strips, comics a.m., comics sales, conferences, conventions, creators rights, Daniel Clowes, deaths, EC, Eddie Campbell, Eric Stephenson, fanzines, Herman, Invincible, Ivan Brunetti, jack kirby, Jim Unger, MAD Magazine, Marvel, New York Anime Festival, New York Comic Con, Nick Galifianakis, passings, Portland, Reuben Awards, robert kirkman, Super Dinosaur, television, The Avengers, The Lovely Horrible Stuff, The Projects, The Walking Dead, thief of thieves, Tom Richmond, Walking Dead, webcomics, Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con, Zak Sally
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