Rotworld kicks off in 12th issues of Swamp Thing, Animal Man
August brings the preludes to the Swamp Thing/Animal Man crossover that writers Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire have been talking about for awhile now, as Team Red and Team Green take on The Rot. According to Lemire, the crossover, Rotworld, is an 'epic superhero/horror story' that he's been working with Snyder on for the past year. 'Buddy Baker and Alec Holland join forces to lead a pre-emptive strike deep into The Rot, the consequences of which will tear both of their worlds apart forever,' he said on his blog.
The crossover runs through each title's 17th issue and will feature art by regular series artists Yanick Paquette and Steve Pugh, who worked together on the above joining covers for Animal Man #12 and Swamp Thing #12.
Another six months or so of rottiness? Much as I enjoy both books I don't want a variation on the same theme for a year and a half.
Sigh, these long arcs have been driving me nuts. I haven't been reading AM/ST but there have been so many long arcs lately. Give us 3-4 issue arcs where the stories can progress.
Lets gets this started. Even though this is a long story arc. When it's finally said and done, rereading all of this will sure be a treat.
I can tell the first two posters didn't read the second SW series (the one Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette and John Totleben famously took on in the '80s). 'Long story arcs' is nothing new when it comes to Swamp Thing. For done-in-one stories, look elsewhere. I'm enjoying the new series with Scott Snyder and the excellent art of Yanick Paquette, who's a suitable heir to Bissette and Rick Veitch.
'The crossover runs through each title's 17th issue'
Are you f#@king kidding me?!? Issues 12-17 of each series?!? A 12 issue crossover!?! For one story?!? Again?!? This is getting ridiculous now. Is each writer at DC trying to outdo everyone else is terms of how much they can decompress their story?!? Batman & Robin ' 8 issues and Batman ' 12 issues are 2 of the worst that spring to mind.
I'll be canceling both at issue 11.
@EG Well you're wrong there. I started with the Pasko and Yeates run and never missed an issue thereafter. I knew Moore was taking over months before it was announced due to UK comics industry gossip and wouldn't have missed his take for the world. And while, say, American Gothic went on awhile, it wasn't something like 36 issues of two titles. It WAS a lot more varied in terms of individual issues than ST ad AM have been so far.
Ah, actually it means the storyline will be running through #12 to #17. The crossover won't take 12 to 17 issues, just 6 issues.
@Information Geek ' - you might want to reread my post buddy.
The crossover is running through:
Animal Man 12-17 = 6 issues
Swamp Thing 12-17 = 6 issues
6+6 = 12
= A 12 issue crossover.
Wow. People are actually complaining about this?
These are the 2 best books on the shelf every month. If it was a 100 issue crossover, I would still buy it. It's rare these days that you get as much quality packed into 2.99 as these books offer. Just look at that image! Paquette is killing it!
Go read AvX'
It'd be easier to swallow if both series hadn't already spent their first 9 issues fighting the Rot and ever-so-slowly building to this crossover. But by the time this thing is said and done it'll be 34 issues worth of Rot-based stories between the two titles. That's an awful lot of time devoted to a singular threat, no matter how large it is.
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