Saturday, May 12, 2012

Phantom Lady returns this summer by Palmiotti, Gray, Staggs and Perotta

Phantom Lady returns this summer by Palmiotti, Gray, Staggs and Perotta

Phantom Lady

Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti, who wrote the pre-New 52 Freedom Fighters title, will return to at least two of the characters this summer as they write a new Phantom Lady miniseries. Cat Staggs and Rich Perotta will provide the art for the four-issue series, which will co-star Doll Man. This being the New 52, though, they'll have no relation to the previous versions of the characters.

'Phantom Lady and Doll Man is an exciting return to the roots of the characters as pulpy, street level crime fighters with a few new twists and some heavy sci-fi overtones,' Justin Gray told The Source. 'We took the best of their original core concepts and updated them with no relation to our previous work on Phantom Lady and Doll Man in the Freedom Fighters. You're getting in on the ground floor of the origin story of two people whose lives intersect and a common threat that transforms them into pretty amazing and engaging superheroes.'

Phantom Lady #1, which features a cover by Amanda Conner, goes on sale Aug. 29.


This sounds good to me. I appreciate the ground zero approach to the character. (I know nothing about either of them).

well, at least she has cleavage' LOL

I got excited at the image because I thought,'Great! Something else being drawn by Amanda Conner!' Then I saw that she's just doing the cover and my interest fell by about 100%'

Wow that costume is awful! DC now stands for 'Dreadful Costumes'. They could have kept the wrist emitters, goggles and cape. I am a fan of the character and have to be told who she is. I know DC need new fans, but you are driving away your old faster than picking up new ones.

Greg, I'm not a big DC fan and even less Phantom Lady, but you must realize that old costume would be exhibit A on the this is what's wrong with female characters list

Oh, a re-revamp? I rather liked the last Gray/Palmiotti versions of Phantom Lady and Doll Man. This PL costume doesn't have immediate appeal, but we'll see how it works in the book. I'd like at least the classic yellow/green combo as a visual callback to the three (or is it more?) previous versions.

To be honest, I'd prefer the super-sexy look, though not drawn in a Brazilian carnival style. And sexier looks for the fellas too, let's be equitable. In fact, they can start by bringing back a classic Doll Man look ' bare legs! This racing driver outfit is, at first glance, dull as dishwater.

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