Comics A.M. | 'Digital doesn't cannibalize the industry'; geezer noir
Digital comics | Rob Salkowitz, who's making the rounds to promote his new book Comic-Con and the Business of Pop Culture, has the best summary yet of the digital comics phenomenon: 'Digital doesn't cannibalize the industry; it grows it by encouraging fandom.' (Robot 6 contributor J. Caleb Mozzocco reviewed Salkowitz's book this week.) [Flip the Media]
Creators | Christos Gage may have created a new genre, 'geezer noir,' with his graphic novel Sunset, the tale of an old soldier and former hitman who sets off after his old boss when he fears his ex-wife and child are in peril: ''He's got this craggy face and you see his life written in the lines of his face, and black and white makes that so much more powerful,' the writer says. He credits artist Jorge Lucas for giving him all the facial expressions that stand in for a lot of talking: 'He was never going to have interior monologues. I don't think he overanalyzes what he does all that much.'' [USA Today]
Creators | Cartoonist John 'Derf' Backderf talks about punk rock, his alternative-newspaper strip The City, and the long gestation of My Friend Dahmer: 'I started it ' in 1991, just a few weeks after Dahmer's crimes came to light. I began jotting down notes and drawings in a sketchbook. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, since I wasn't even considering long-form comics at that point, but I recognized right away what an amazing story I had.' [Reglar Wiglar]
Creators | Ed Piskor discusses the genesis of Wizzywig ' listening to podcasts about phone hackers while drawing Harvey Pekar's Macedonia ' and the real phone phreaks behind his story. [IFC]
Creators | Morrie Turner, creator of the syndicated comic strip Wee Pals, will be a guest this weekend at Stockton-Con this weekend in Stockton, California. Turner talks about his service in World War II, and how getting caught sleeping on the job ultimately led to his career as a cartoonist; almost 70 years later, he is still turning out the strips: 'I love it. That's what I live for. At 88, I think if I lost that, I wouldn't want to get up in the morning. Sometimes I have ideas I get when I'm in bed, and I can't wait to get up and see how it looks.' []
Comics | Former Robot 6 contributor Sean T. Collins names 15 essential Batman graphic novels and collections, from Gotham Central: Jokers and Madmen and Arkham Asylum to The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Returns. [Rolling Stone]
Review | Just as only Nixon could go to China, Glen Weldon says, only Jaime Hernandez could create God and Science: Return of the Ti-Girls, which 'gleefully grafts a gee-whiz superhuman sensibility onto a set of nuanced, all-too-human relationships.' [NPR]
- August 3, 2012 @ 07:55 AM by Brigid Alverson
- Tagged: Batman, Christos Gage, comic books, comic strips, comic-Con and the Business of Pop Culture, Comic-Con International, comics a.m., comics industry, Derf Backderf, digital comics, Ed Piskor, grahic novels, Jaime Hernandez, Minotaur Press, Morrie Turner, My Friend Dahmer, Rob Salkowitz, Sunset, Top Cow Productions
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