Saturday, August 25, 2012

Quote of the Day #2 | Mark Waid on the grimness of superhero comics

'BUT WAID'S HAD PEOPLE STABBED IN THE BACK WITH SWORDS, TOO!' There, internet, I saved you the trouble. In a fruitless attempt at preventive maintenance, I'll likewise stipulate that over a 25-year career, I've had characters do some pretty violent things now and again, myself. I would, however, at least like to believe that I don't use that tool to gratuitous excess. YMMV. When you hear me complaining about Swords Through The Back these days, that's just my shorthand way of saying that it's a trope I now find overdone across the medium'a too-easy go-to. Writing evil and writing violence are, if you're clever and do it right, can be two entirely different sets of visuals.

Also, to the issue of 'I think Waid wrote the story in which the Elongated Man was 'brutally killed.'''for the record, no, the entire back half of that one sequence (52 Week 42?) was the one sequence in the entire series that was actually written not by any of the 52 writers; I haven't the time or inclination to get into the whole backstory right now, but after handing in numerous last-second rewrites on 'Ralph's End,' all of which were 180 degrees from what we'd been telling our bosses all along what we were building to and all of which still allowed Ralph to die with, apparently, too much intelligence and dignity, I gave up. I told the editor I couldn't do what was being asked, and the other three 52 writers (to their credit) stood in solidarity with me and wouldn't touch those pages either.

Those sorts of changes are, of course, absolutely the full prerogative of editorial to make. No argument. Their sandbox, etc. If you're freelancing for any company, they can change the work however they please, their right. I just wish our four names weren't on a comic that, in large part, none of us actually wrote.


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