Friday, August 10, 2012

Comics A.M. | First Second's success; more on Moore-Kirkman suits

Comics A.M. | First Second's success; more on Moore-Kirkman suits


Publishing | First Second editorial director Mark Siegel sits down with Milton Greipp to talk about his company's success, which comes in part by marketing books in a number of different channels ' independent bookstores, libraries, even textbook adoptions. He also talks numbers, and it's interesting to see that Feynman spent 11 weeks at the top of The New York Times graphic books best-seller list with a print run of 10,000; that's an indication of the order of magnitude of book sales for the titles on that list. Siegel also gives a preview of the fall list. [ICv2]

Legal | The attorney for Tony Moore explains why the artist's legal dispute with his former Walking Dead collaborator Robert Kirkman has moved into federal court. 'Once Moore establishes fraud and rescinds the agreement [as laid out in the first filing], the issue is going to be whether he was a co-author of these works,' Devin McRae tells Newsarama. 'And it's the federal court that has the power to decide that. So we still have to first go in the state court and prove the fraud, which we think we'll do. This is just something that is part and parcel of the whole thing. Nothing's really changed.' [Newsarama]

Batman #10

Creators | Greg Capullo, who's appearing this weekend at Wizard World Chicago, talks about working on Batman ' a character he has been drawing since he was 4 years old ' and why he literally turned the comic upside down, to the consternation of his editors, in Issue 5: ''I was trying to figure out how to visually show that Batman's world is turned upside down,' he says. 'Some have called it a gimmick, but I'm not a gimmick guy. I saw this as another way to express the story to the reader so that you could really, really feel what he was feeling.'' [Chicago Sun-Times]

Creators | Jeff Smith talks about his inspirations for Bone and RASL, his work process, and the evolution of graphic novels: 'We are in a golden age for comics and graphic novels with audiences spread far and wide. When I started, comics were only available in comics shops, and the customers were men in their 30s. I used to sit on panels at comic book shows and ask the people assembled, Guys, wouldn't it be fun if there were some girls in here? If we had women and children buying comics, we could triple our audience! Now, twenty some years later, in addition to the comic shops, our books are being sold to libraries, schools, and sold in bookstores and on-line.' [Comic Book Nerds Are Hot]

Retailing | This article about a comics shop in Columbus, Indiana, starts out with a really nice anecdote, about a customer who started reading comics digitally while caring for his ill father, then switched to print and, now that his father is gone, donates blood on Wednesdays so he can stop by the store on the way. And it's interesting to see a small-town store make a deliberate effort to stock a variety of material. [WBIW]

Path of the Assassin, Vol. 11

Manga | Jason Thompson takes a look at the classic manga Path of the Assassin, a historical ninja manga that is full of sex and battles and ' bromance? [Anime News Network]

Comics | Larry Cruz writes about the history of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ' you know it's supposed to be a parody, right? ' and its impact on the comics industry: 'Think about it: two guys running a bare-bones independent comic 'studio' doodle something on their kitchen table, and within a few short years the two become billionaires based on a creation that they entirely own. How was that not one of the most inspirational stories in comics ever? I imagine that there were a bunch of guys at Marvel and DC who charted the meteoric rise of the Turtles intently and thought to themselves, 'That could be me.' That, more than anything, led to the foundation of Image Comics.' [The Webcomic Overlook]

Comics | Celebrating the voyage of Curiosity, Matt Price rounds up some comic books about traveling to Mars. [Nerdage]

  • August 10, 2012 @ 06:55 AM by Brigid Alverson
  • Tagged: Batman, comic books, comic conventions, comic retailers, comics industry, DC Comics, fandom, First Second, grahic novels, Greg Capullo, Image Comics, indy comics, Jeff Smith, legal, manga, Mark Siegel, mars, robert kirkman, sales charts, space travel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Walking Dead, Tony Moore, Wizard World Chicago

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