Monday, August 27, 2012

Rob Liefeld, unleashed: Creator targets Scott Snyder, Tom Brevoort

Rob Liefeld, unleashed: Creator targets Scott Snyder, Tom Brevoort

Scott Snyder

The Twitter tirade unleashed by Rob Liefeld last week when he announced his abrupt departure from three DC Comics titles boiled over this weekend as the outspoken creator took aim at Batman writer Scott Snyder and Marvel's Senior Vice President of Publishing Tom Brevoort.

On Wednesday Liefeld, who had been writing and penciling Deathstroke and plotting Grifter and The Savage Hawkman, criticized DC for what he described as 'massive indecision, last minute and I mean LAST minute changes that alter everything' and 'editor pissing contests,' singling out Associate Editor Brian Smith as 'a little bitch' and 'a big dick.'

Snyder, among other creators, came to Smith's defense on Twitter, writing that, 'from my small experience with him, [Smith] has been a great guy to work with. To be fair, I know absolutely nothing of what went on on Rob's books (Rob has always been really supportive of me and Jeff and others). But I'd feel bad, having worked with Smitty on N.O.T.O. ["Night of the Owls"] and now Joker, [...] if I didn't say that he's been a stand-up guy to deal with. Again, nothing against anyone, just deal w/Smitty every week now, and I'd feel bad not saying.'

About that time Liefeld tweeted to his followers, 'It's not you. It never has been. It's Batman.' That apparently triggered a direct-message exchange with Snyder that Liefeld later made public, first by copying the writer's private comment, 'I can assure you Batman doesn't sell the way it does because it's Batman. It sells that way because of me and Greg [Capullo],' and then by posting screencaps (below).

'Get over yourself you pretentious prick @Ssnyder1835,' Liefeld wrote publicly. 'Been berated in DM's by @Ssnyder1835 this morning. Excuse me if I don't marvel at your amazing abilities to write Batman. Piss off. I'd like to think that if your going to wave your ego around on Batman you'd remember all that came before you. Holeee crap. [...] Been saying this about Batman, repeatedly, here on twitter, for months. Hit a nerve today.'

Snyder didn't exactly take the abuse sitting down, firing back, 'Nice! Your Twitter feeds the best thing you've written all year' (to which Liefeld replied, 'Of course, because its not edited').

'Aw, I'll give you credit Rob!' Snyder wrote. 'Batman might sell in spite of me and @GregCapullo as u say, but deathstroke & Hawkman failed because of you! Credit where it's due, brother, and that's all I'll say on that. Ah, comics. Lol. And you can put that in your pouch and keep it for later. Lol! my good buddy Rob posted our conversation. I think it says all there is to say about the matter. No?'

But Snyder wasn't the only industry figure to suffer the wrath of Liefeld. When asked on Formspring last week whether there's a chance the creator could return to Marvel, Senior Vice President of Publishing Tom Brevoort replied, 'After that Twitter flame-out, I can't say I'd be in a hurry to get onto that train.' That led Liefeld to get personal on Friday, writing, 'Someone told me that loser fat ass Brevoort was talking trash about me today. I dropped him awhile back. [...] Sorry they passed you over for EIC Tommy B. Get over it and get back to mixing and matching Avengers and X-Men #doucher I know, Tommy B, why don't u all tell Kirkman how 'concerned' u are for his future post Marvel. That's our funniest bit that we HOWL at. '

Brevoort responded, 'You remain a sweetheart, Rob. Don't go changing. Also, feel free to say any of this to my face, you feckless bully. Takes a big man to go postal publicly on a young editor like that. #kickspuppiestoo.'

  • August 27, 2012 @ 08:00 AM by Kevin Melrose
  • Tagged: Batman, comic books, comics industry, DC Comics, DC Comics: The New 52, DC relaunch, Deathstroke, Greg Capullo, grifter, Rob Liefeld, Scott Snyder, The Savage Hawkman, tom brevoort, twitter


I rescind my approval of Liefeld's actions. What an absolute turd.

well done robot 6 three days late

its an improvement

Uff, this has gone beyond personal. I'm not going to take sides, even though I've never been a fan of Liefeld's and I love Snyder's work on Batman and Swamp Thing.

I just love creators being honest, for once. Everyone should talk like this. Just let it go!

I would love to see Brevoort beat the shit out of Liefeld. That's most definitely the only Rob Liefeld thing I would pay for.

I mean seriously the guy spikes the sales on 3 barely hanging on books and he thinks he's hot shit. and you just know the second those books get cancelled he's going to show up somewhere all smug about how they failed without him.


I wonder if Rob suffers from bi-polar disorder?

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