Monday, June 18, 2012

Alan Moore's Antichrist is a lot like Harry Potter

Image of Alan Moore's Antichrist is a lot like Harry Potter

Wow, the DC dittoheads are out in force, eh?

Get over yourselves. There's a huge difference between using a bunch of public domain characters and doing something new with them, and basically recycling someone's ideas using obscure characters in a cynical money grab.

I mean, have you enjoyed all of the various Sherlock Holmes movies? What about the James Bond movies?

All of them are based on characters created by someone else. All are different interpretations, especially the current Guy Ritchie Holmes movies and the BBC Sherlock series. Unless you're going to condemn those productions, you might want to zip it until you have a valid point and not just aimless snark because you don't like Alan Moore.

I'm not crazy about Alan Moore lately (the LOEG stories have gotten weaker), but his detractors have no real leg to stand on right now.


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